On October 31, 1980, a unique event in the world of dance took place at the Grand Theatre of Havana. Alicia Alonso and Vladimir Vasilievn performed together for the first time. This video documents that Giselle, presenting the two stars accompanied by a supporting cast and the corps de ballet of the Ballet Nacional de Cuba. (Please note: part of the original video master for this performance was lost; the version presented here was compiled from sources of varying quality. Though the final results are less than ideal, the video technicians did succeed in preserving a memorable performance that would otherwise be lost to posterity.) Bonus: “Encounter” – Alonso and Vasiliev in rehearsal for Giselle. Introduced by Anton Dolin (15 min.). Color, Stereo, 110 min.
Genre: Ballet
Catalogue #: 4391
Label: Vai
#CDs: 1
Format: DVD